Veli: Answer the Door (at this hour?)

Veli holds the door open, eyes trained on Kennari. The witch stands with CG and Reese on either sided of her, left hand on hip.

Veli: Reese, who are these people?
Reese: Um-
Kennari: I'm here to help your mother. The one next to me is my apprentice. Reese is a sibling you should be grateful to have.
Veli: ...What?
Kennari: Your mother. Starfall. I can help.
Veli: Wh- what?
Kennari: Reese, do you want to explain the situation?
Reese: Um, not really.
Kennari: Okay, well too bad, go explain the situation.
Reese: Oh. Um, ok, so basically-
Veli: Wait, no, Reese, let's talk inside.
Reese: Okay.