CG: Reese..?
Reese: CG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
CG: Shh!
Reese: Oh, uh-
CG: My master doesn't know you're here, so um, maybe try keeping it down?
Reese: Oh, sorry, I didn't realize that um...
CG: No it's okay! Just, you know.
Reese: Right. Mhm. Okay. So, um is that the sign of the Trickster?!
Reese: Oh my goodness I knew that's what it would be.
CG: Heh, is it that obvious?
Reese: Oh, yeah, you only sneak under my house every night and WRITE IN MY BOOKS.
CG: Yeah, well, that's your fault for leaving your books out in the open like that. If it's not behind a door, it's fair game.
Reese: Psshhhh, whatever. But why does your sign have the blue spots? And why does it glow? Like, more than normal.