And thus plays out the part we all know. Stella gives her thorough examination of Selice's character, masked under mere curiosity. Masked further, she is quite pleased to see that Veli and Selice have been in a relationship the past year or so, and she can see the positive influence Selice has had on him. However, she can't show that, lest Selice get too full of herself and start acting untoward with him, taking Stella's lackadaisical attitude as a form of grace to any lascivious feelings she might wish to act upon.
Selice, on the other hand, is quite possibly feeling the furthest thing from lascivity known to humankind. Stella is a wonderful cook, and the compliment she gave was genuine, but at this moment, that food sits like a rock in her stomach, little more than unwanted ammunition that will be fired off against her will were Stella to say anything a bit too disapprovingly.
Between all this, Veli watches in horror as the third greatest battle to ever occur within this household takes place. In his mind it's the first, but he's failed to consider the battles Stella waged against her own body in bringing Veli and Reese into this world. As Veli glances back and forth, his mind races with thoughts of his own failings and how they might inadvertently lead to Stella's disapproval in their relationship. The worst part is, that lascivity he so hates is currently popping up under the table despite, or rather, in spite of everything going on.
And then there's Reese.